
The Introduction to Pharmacy Practice and Simulation course (PHAR456) is a third-year course offered to our pharmacy students at the Lebanese International University (LIU) School of Pharmacy to provide students with introductory pharmacy practice and patient assessment skills, necessary in patient-centered pharmacy practice. The course aims to prepare students to operate various pharmacy services during their actual practice through simulation-based education. Training on basic physical assessment techniques, interpretation of laboratory tests, physical examinations, documenting findings from patient assessments and communication/information skills, is realized in laboratory sessions of the course.

Aim and Objectives:

We aim to use and optimize methods in which students work together to analyze a question or create shared knowledge during this simulation-based course. Accordingly, a Padlet page was created for the course with the purpose of solving patient cases by students.

The Padlet page can be accessed at:



Plan for Use of Digital Tools in the Introductory Simulation Course:

  • Brainstorm everything the students know about a topic before discussing it.
  • Solve case studies.
  • Allow students to ask questions anonymously using Padlet (many students may be shy to ask questions because they fear scrutiny).
  • Review material discussed in a previous lecture.
  • Assess understanding at the end of a session, hence use it as exit ticket (for example: Write down 3 things you learned today OR what did you learn today OR what didn’t you understand).
  • Ask students to recall at least three learning objectives from the chapter.

Impact of Digital Tools Used and Outcome on the Learning Process:

  • Increase students’ participation and engagement.
  • Evaluate students’ understanding for the material discussed.
  • Assess students’ knowledge before and after discussing the lecture.
  • Ensure a safe ‘open’ environment for students to share.
  • Positively impact student’s learning by having students highlight on topics that need more discussion and then re-discussing those problematic concepts.
  • Assist students in learning from mistakes or good answers of others.

Shared by: Dr. Jihan Safwan, Dr. Etwal Bou Raad, and Dr. Dalal Hammoudi
Image Credit: Dr. Jihan Safwan