Clinical Pharmacology Module: Toward a more collaborative, student-centered course

  • Institution: Arab International University (AIU)
  • Faculty: Pharmacy
  • Course Name: Pharmacology (theoretical & practical part)
  • Category: Core
  • Level: third & fourth year
  • Redesign the course:
  • Why (Aim & Objectives):

To switch “Pharmacology Module” from traditional learning course into a blended learning module utilizing techniques such as: problem-based learning (PBL), open discussions, flipped classroom methods, group work assignments and other activities, etc.

This will make the module more feasible, attractive, student-centered, and collaborative.

  • How (Activities) (what will you do to change your teaching?):

We will use basically our university platform created on Moodle LMS ( The following plan will be used:

  • A Youtube video concerning the topic will be uploaded to the platform, in order to be watched by the students before every lecture. Videos created using Powtoon® may be also uploaded depending on the topic.
  • Lecture will be given utilizing Prezi® or other presentation tools and will be uploaded on the platform. (Note: for the practical part Screencastomatic® will be used to record animal experiments with its results).
  • After every lecture there will be (depending on the topic): case assignments, brainstorming activities using tricider®, quizzes using mentimeter®, further guidelines will be uploaded on the platform.
  • Outcome/Output (Main Results) (what will the project produce? New resources? New methods?):

These activities will enhance student’s creative thinking, and mind mapping skills. Students will be more involved in the material they are learning. In addition, they will be encouraged to search for the information themselves and to use this new digital tools. The module will be more collaborative and involve more discussion and group work.

  • Intended Outcome Learning (Expected Impact) (how will the project change the way you teach?):

This project will change our way of teaching, transforming it from one way learning into a student-centered, collaborative learning. This will also give us the chance to develop our knowledge and skills using modern digital tools. Student’s comprehension, creativity, focusing, self-confidence and enthusiasm will be increased and they will feel themselves more involved in the course because of their participation. Despite the huge work and extra hours that will be put in the course, but as a facilitators we strongly think that this experience is extraordinary and the results will be marvelous.

  • Participants (do you need some specific technical skills or specific support to make the project happen?):

We are looking forward for the remaining training Digihealth modules, and ready to learn more.

Dr. Louay Joumaa, Dr. Mazen Al-Haj


Shared by: Mazen Al-Haj

Shared by: Mazen Al Haj
Image Credit: Elspeth Briscoe (CC BY-NC-SA)

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  1. Fabio Nascimbeni

    Very nice plan, Mazen, congratulations.
    I see you plan to use a lot of tools external to your LMS (Powtoon, Prezi, Screencastomatic) which is a great idea I think. But I wonder: is the teaching staff in change of the course familiar with these tools? They are not difficult to use, but getting proficient might take some time.

    • Kinaz Al Aytouni

      Thanks Fabio. On behalf of Mazen, I will answer. Our university organized training sessions for academics to facilitate the use of new tools. Currently, I am preparing a training program to transfer the know-how that we took in Beirut and circulate it to the rest of the faculties, not just the medical faculties involved in the DIGIHEALTH project.

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